Shattered Dreams (Moonchild) Read online

Page 7

  Rafe slid her robe from her shoulders and anointed her breasts with the icy treat. Her nipples constricted into tight buds. He bent his head and used his mouth and tongue. She moaned. The gathering sensations called for active participation. She slid the zipper of his jeans and curled her hand around his erection, using a finger to tease the head.

  He raised his head. “Talk,” he growled.

  “Why when what we’re doing is so much fun and will be satisfying.” She smiled. “I’ve missed this kind of connection.” His smile made her heart contract.

  "Know what you mean.”

  Did he? There’d never been another man in her life who had brought the degree of pleasure as Rafe. All those empty years. Though she’d dated, had a fling or two, no relationship had lasted more than a month or two. She had clung to her memories of a dead man but he hadn’t died. For now Rafe was what she wanted. For tonight and maybe longer. Could she convince him to ride the tides of passion until they ebbed?

  Desire blazed in her blue eyes. She wanted him now. She had no wish to learn why he’d accepted money from her father to leave town. Knowing would only raise anger and resentment.

  Rafe’s slow smile ignited another rush of desire. He pushed his jeans over his hips. When they reached his feet he kicked them off. “For now we’ll play the game your way.”

  Triumph raised her confidence in her ability to keep him focused on what she wanted. Sex. She clasped his hand and led him to the recliner. “Sit and relax.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  “Do you have any doubts?”


  After he sat, she pushed the chair into a reclining position. After dipping her fingers into the ice cream she spread it over his chest. The way his muscles contracted from the cold fascinated her. She sat on his thighs and licked the sweetness. She tasted a hint of salt. She took time to lap the pool of melted ice cream around his naval before moving to rub her tongue over his jutting erection.

  His guttural, sounds vibrated through her. She sucked him into her mouth. A musky aroma moved through her lungs.

  He thrust deeper. Manon drew back and raised her head. “Not yet.” She knelt on the chair with her knees on either side of his hips and prepared to take him inside.

  Rafe grasped her waist and kept her from moving. “Would like to go bare but it’s not going to happen unless you’re on the pill.”

  His gruff words revealed his need for her and the depth of his potential refusal. “I’m not.”

  “Remember what we used to say. No chances mean no regrets.”

  She nodded. Did caution matter now? She was free and so was he. That thought shocked her. What was she thinking? “I remember.”

  "Still holds today. Condoms in my pocket.”

  Manon left the recliner. She glanced down and realized he remained erect. She grabbed his jeans and removed two foil packets. “You definitely came prepared.”

  “Never travel without them, especially when I’m visiting you.”

  She set one packet on the end table and opened the other. Before sheathing him she stroked the smooth skin and grasped the hardness. Slowly she rolled the condom over him. She leaned forward and kissed him. With one hand she guided him to her entrance, eased down to let him fill her. Fully seated, she ran her hands over his chest, then bent to stroke his mouth with her tongue.

  Rafe cupped her breasts and teased the nipples. “Move.” One of his hands slid over her belly and stroked her clit.

  She moved in a rocking motion, sliding and up and settling down. Slowly at first. His hands stroked and caressed moving faster. So did she. Waves washed through her gaining force until they became constant surge. She pressed her hands on the back of the chair until the recliner was complete flat.

  Rafe rolled her nipples with a finger. She gasped a deep breath. The aroma of sex and sweat filled the air. Her inner muscles tightened. She rode the tides of sensation until they crested. A sound broke free. She felt his release and collapsed on his chest.

  The rightness of the moment filled her with wonder. Rafe murmured something she didn’t understand.

  “What?” she asked.

  “No matter.”

  As she tried to move the sticky remains of the ice cream held her fast for a moment. “I need a shower."

  “Your idea to cover me with dessert.”

  “Tasted good. Doesn’t feel that way now.” She slid from the chair and reached for his hand. “There’s room for two.”

  * * *

  Rafe snatched the last of the condoms he’d brought with him from the table and followed Manon to the bathroom connected to the master bedroom. They entered from the hall into a large room with a shower stall and a Jacuzzi. He almost pointed her in that direction but she’d already turned on the shower.

  He hid a yawn. Though not yet ten, he was tired. Last night’s restless sleep and the need to focus his attention of grasping hospital business had drained him. Now to mention two passionate encounters with the woman he wanted in his life.

  As she slipped into the shower, the sight of her luscious curves made him wish he’d brought more protection. Though there were other roads to pleasure, he wanted to possess her so completely she would agree to listen.

  That she wasn’t on the pill told him she wasn’t’ involved with anyone. How long had she been without a man in her life? He’d been celibate since January when Gran Ruth had told him Manon was back in town. From that moment he’d tied all the loose ends of his life in preparation for the return to Fern Lake.

  He joined Manon beneath the spray and reached for the soap. He lathered his hands and washed her back. As his hands slid over her smooth skim, she sighed. His hands moved lower to stroke her ass.

  “Turn.” He added more lather to his hands. The soap had a slight spicy scent, one he’d always used. He hated to think there was a meaning but he hoped. He slowly ran his hands over her breasts and along her belly. He crouched to caress her legs and wash between her thighs. Her little purrs filled him with warmth.

  “Your turn,” she said.

  Her hands on his body sent blood rushing to his cock. "Want you again, but not until we settle the past.”

  She pressed her body against his. “Talk won’t solve a thing.”



  She stepped away and let the water remove any remnants of soap. She knelt to wash his legs and caress his balls. Those caresses washed away his desire for anything but sex. A need to possess her rose. He let the spray flow over his skin.

  Manon stepped from the shower. He turned off the water and accepted the towel she tossed to him.

  After drying, he grabbed the condom from the counter and lifted Manon into his arms. He opened the door into the bedroom. Moonlight shone through the windows. The main accents in the pale room were blue, the color of their eyes. He placed her on the bed and sheathed himself. He knelt between her bent legs and rained kissed from her mouth to her toes.

  Would he ever have enough? He wanted her in his life forever the way they had once planned. He ran his hands through her soft pubic hair, talking time to explore. She was ready and so was he. He slid his hands beneath her ass and tasted. Then he plunged inside and rode her until he exploded in a massive eruption.

  He pulled her close and rolled to his side. “Mine.”

  “For tonight.” She yawned.


  “Seems so.” She rolled to her stomach.

  For a few moments he studied as much of her face as he could see. She was beautiful and would be his. He pulled a shirt over them, threw an arm around her waist and closed his eyes.

  * * *

  A loud clunk woke Rafe. For a moment he wondered where he was. He saw Manon. She hadn’t stirred. Uneasiness prickled him. He went to the window and peered into the yard. The streetlight on the corner showed a shadowy figure near his bike.

  Rafe grabbed his boots and socks. He raced to the family room and quickly dr
essed. As he headed to the door, he slipped on his jacket. He would need the keys to check the bike for damage. He left the house, closed the door and strode to the driveway.

  “Step away from my bike.” The man looked up. Rafe identified Tom. “What are you doing here?”

  “Could ask you the same thing.” Tom raised a fist.

  Did the asshole want to fight? Rafe walked toward the bike and checked to see if the man had done any damage. He picked up his helmet and saw the crack. That was what had awakened him.

  “Head to your car.” Rafe glided toward Tom.

  “I won’t.”

  “You’d better.” Rafe raised his fisted hands.

  “Get on your bike. Ride away like you did before.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  Tom straightened. “Manon doesn’t need you.”

  Rafe smiled. “But she invited me into her house. Have you ever been her guest?”

  Tom stepped back. “You know nothing about Manon and me.”

  Rafe arched a brow. “Only what she told me. About how always she turns you down.”

  Tom’s hands rested on his hips. “You’ll see.”

  “You sound like a dorky teenager. Grow up.” Rafe shook his head. “I’m not leaving but you’d better scram.”

  “I’ll fix you.”

  “Don’t threaten me.” Rafe moved forward.

  Tom turned and ran. Rafe halted his steps when the man reached his car. Rafe watched while Tom drove off.

  For five minutes or so, Rafe stared in the direction Tom had driven. Then he returned to the house. He turned the doorknob and groaned. He had locked himself out.

  Damn. What now? He could call her but the only number he knew went to the answering service. A call there would require an explanation he didn’t want to make. Like “I was sleeping in her bed.” No way. Manon would be mortified. He hated to wake Manon by banging on the door or the window. He left the cracked helmet on the driveway. Only one thing to do. He mounted the bike.

  As he sped away, he decided to call her in the morning. Maybe they could laugh over his forgetting doors often had automatic locks, especially when a woman lived alone.

  * * *

  Light from the rising sun woke Manon. She rolled on her side and inhaled the scent of sex and Rafe. With one hand she reached for him and found cold sheets. Where was he? She had slept all night and woke dreaming of him. She glanced around the room and saw his boots were gone. Tears threatened. Why hadn’t he stayed?

  The old feeling of being abandoned swept through her. Sparks of anger stirred long buried emotions. Had he decided the sex she’d offered wasn’t enough? She was the one who wanted to keep their relationship on the physical plane.

  He’d wanted to talk, to poke at the anthill of days when anger had ruled her life. She dashed to the bathroom and showered to wash away all trace of him.

  After stripping the bed, she dressed and went to the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee. She found Rafe’s gloves in the foyer. She ignored them. The carton of ice cream sat on the end table beside the recliner.

  A momentary memory of how they’d used the frozen treat brought a smile followed by a scowl. He’d left last night like a thief slithering into the darkness. With care, she lifted the container, emptied the contents into the sink and tossed the tub in the trash. Paper towels and spray polish removed the ugly white stain.

  As she sipped coffee, she made an egg white omelet and toasted half a bagel. She sat at the counter to eat. Her thoughts flashed to her awakening. Tears burned. Another memory pushed forward.

  “He’s not coming. Rode his bike out of town. He won’t be around to spoil my plans.”

  But the money, she thought. Her father hadn’t mentioned money. Who had? She couldn’t remember. What other memories of that dreadful time had she repressed? She wasn’t sure she wanted to remember.

  With a groan, she finished her meal and put the dishes in the washer. With her medical bag and purse in hand, she walked to her car. Last night she’d gotten what she wanted. Why hadn’t sex with Rafe been enough?

  Do not turn down that street. Pain waits at the dead end.

  Manon made rounds at the hospital. She discharged one patient and ordered a consult for the second. Before going to the step-down unit she dropped Rafe’s medical record and EKG strip at Employee Health.

  The nurse practitioner hefted the folder. “Our new director seems to have led an exciting life. I’ve heard he’s mighty fine.”

  Manon laughed. “So that’s the latest rumor.”

  Grace leaned forward. “Actually there are wagers on who he’ll choose for his first conquest. Janice is ahead by ten.” She pulled a sheet with a list of names from a drawer.

  Manon glanced at the paper and was glad hers wasn’t mentioned. “Interesting.”

  “Who’s your pick?”

  Manon shook her head. “I never bet on these things.” She walked to the door. “See you.”

  As she walked to the elevator, she heard Rafe’s deep voice. Not wanting to see him, she dashed up one flight of stairs to the second floor. How could she face him without asking about his disappearance and voicing her disappointment? On the step-down unit, she studied Mrs. Patton’s chart before entering the room.

  She paused at the foot of the bed. “You’re looking good.”

  “Does that mean you’ll spring me?”

  “Not today. I’ll wait for the results of the stress test.”

  Mrs. Patton frowned. “If I pass?”

  “You’ll go home unless the cardiologist has issues.”

  “When can I return to work?”

  Manon checked Mrs. Patton's pulse. “Do you have to?”

  “I want to smooth the way for Rafe.”

  Manon shook her head. “He’s a big boy. I’m sure he’ll manage.”

  “He always has.” Mrs. Patton met Manon’s gaze. “After the accident and his amnesia cleared when he remembered you, I thought he would go crazy when he learned you were in Europe.”

  Manon held up her hand. “I don’t want to talk about that time.”

  “He’s a good man. He won’t hurt you.”

  Manon turned away. Wouldn’t he? Why had he rushed away last night? She jotted her observations and walked to the door. After dropping the chart in the order basket, she hurried to the ground floor and to the doctor’s lot for her car. At the office, she faced a full day of patients. There was no time to think about Rafe.

  When she pulled into the driveway at the office, she groaned. “Tom stood on the walk. With a glare aimed toward him, she left the car. “What are you doing here?” I told you to find another doctor.” She strode past and reached for the door.

  He grabbed her arm. “You were with him last night. What did he tell you?”

  “None of your business.” Rafe had told her nothing. There’d been no information exchanged, only passion. But Tom had no need to know.

  “Did he tell you how he spent the money your father gave him? Bet it was on alcohol, drugs and women.”

  Disgust washed through her. “How would you know what he did? Is that what you would have done?”

  “Don’t believe a word he says. He’s not good enough for you.”

  Manon stiffened. “You’re the one who told me about the money, aren’t you?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  The wildness in his eyes frightened her. She’d looked on him as a pest. Could he become a danger? “I know you were the one. Couldn’t have been my father. Talking about money wasn’t on his agenda.” She opened the door.

  “No lie. Just repeated what I heard.” He grasped her arm. “Don’t blame me when he vanishes again. You’re mine and have been since sophomore year before you took up with trash.”

  “We had one date and I couldn’t tolerate another.”

  ”Your father liked me.”

  Manon stepped toward the reception desk. “I don't. Go away.”

  “Dr. Lockley, are you all right?” Emma asked. “Sho
uld I call the police?”

  “Mr. Sands is leaving. Give him his records so he can find another doctor.”

  Emma turned to the file cabinet and pulled out an envelope. “Was going to mail this.”

  Tom snatched the envelope. “You’ll regret this. You’re making a huge mistake.”

  Manon slipped past him and nodded to Emma. “I’ll be ready to see patients in a few.”

  * * *

  After listening to the report from the night supervisors, Rafe heard their complaints and suggestions. He left the small conference room and wandered along the corridor moving from unit to unit. At each desk, he stopped and asked and answered questions and fended off flirtatious nurses. After a quick lunch, he settled in his office to deal with and write memos about computer systems.

  Once he completed this task, he wrote another memo to the department heads about the possibility of establishing a summer day care program for the full-time employees. Unfortunately, hospitals were open twenty-four hours three hundred and sixty five days a week. And staff members often had children.

  This done, his thoughts turned to Manon. He should have called this morning. His meeting with the night supervisors had taken longer than he’d expected. He checked the phone number and dialed her office.

  “Dr. Lockley’s office. Can I help you?”

  “Is Manon available?”

  “Who’s calling?”

  “Rafe Marshall.”

  “Is there a problem?” A chill note crept into the woman’s voice. “Is Mrs. Patton in trouble?”

  “No problems. I need to explain something to Manon.”

  “You need to explain a lot.”

  Had his cohort turned enemy? Her sharp tone angered him. He felt like a child being forced to confess to misdeed. He wasn’t telling this woman a thing. “I’d like to speak to her.”

  “She’s booked solid today. I can take a message.”

  Would she pass one on? Rafe tapped his fingers on the desk. “I’ll catch her later. Just what do you think I’ve done?” The answer might give him a place to begin with Manon.