Shattered Dreams (Moonchild) Read online

Page 6

  She felt as though some jungle cat stalked her. “Rafe."

  He set the bag on the table beside the door and continued his deliberate move toward her. Manon’s heart fluttered like humming bird wings. Moisture dampened her panties. Why the reaction? So many years had passed and his presence still brought the same reaction.

  Two steps later he pulled her into his arms. His mouth covered hers. Scorching heat engulfed her. He lifted his head. She circled his neck with her arms and with her tongue explored greedily. He tasted of mint. The spice of his aftershave flavored each breath.

  Pulses of desire bloomed. Those beats dashed against her desire to see him leave. Temptation beckoned.

  Sex. She wanted him for that reason. With sex they wouldn’t have to talk about past pain. Ripping the scars wasn’t necessary.

  She blew a breath across his lips and brushed hers back and forth across his. His mouth met hers. His tongue slid inside to caress her cheeks and tongue.

  Manon inhaled the scent of soap, aftershave and the aroma that rose only from him. She felt intoxicated and dizzy with wanting him.

  Rafe’s hands slid down her back to cup her rear and draw her against his erection. Tongues tangled and moved in a rhythm causing her to move against him.

  With each sweep of his tongue over hers, he continued his slow steps past the entrance to the formal living and dining rooms and into the family room. When her legs hit the edge of the couch, she fell dragging him with her. He released his hold and managed to brace against the back of the couch.

  “Nice save,” she said.

  “I’m not here to break you.” He pushed to his feet and sat beside her. With a quick move he pulled her into his arms. “We really must talk. That’s why I brought dinner.”

  Manon straightened. Talk wasn’t on her agenda. A decision arrived. She needed to be skin to skin with him buried deep inside. She wanted to feel complete one more time.

  She slid a hand beneath his shirt and brushed fingers over the contours of his muscles. With great intensity she explored. She touched the scar from the chest tube and noticed the difference in texture. Coarse hair prickled her hands. His groans made her smile. With thumbs she caressed his nipples and felt them bud the same ways as hers did.

  “Talk,” he growled.

  “Sex,” she whispered. Her hands trailed downward until they reached the smooth leather of his belt and the cool metal of the buckle.

  Rafe placed his hand over hers. “Not yet.”

  She moved her hands from beneath his. “Now.” She pulled his tee shirt over his head. In an automatic move, he raised his arms. She tossed the shirt on the floor. Her lips touched his chest.

  Rafe’s growls grew louder. Her tongue flicked his nipples. She felt the moment of his surrender. A glow from being in control made her want to laugh.

  He tilted her chin and covered her mouth with his. Waves of desire rolled from the thrust and retreat of his tongue. He drew back to pull her shirt away. A geyser of need spouted when he ran a finger along the edge of her bra.

  Yes. The word slipped into her thoughts. His touch, his attention were what she craved. With Rafe’s caresses she could forget the memories his return had raised. Together, they could escape in the pleasure of their bodies joining to forget all but the moment.

  With a smooth move he opened her bra and slid the straps down her arms. “As beautiful as I remember.” He cupped her breasts and kissed one and then the other. She sighed in anticipation of where this led.

  She ran her tongue over the stubble on his chin. The shadowy growth rasped. Her mouth moved to the spot on his neck that had always driven him wild. As she licked, sucked, and lightly nipped, his guttural sounds brought joy bubbling to the surface.

  His hands stilled. “Lord, that feels good.”

  Manon raised her head. “Will feel better when you’re inside riding me to completion.” She kissed him and slid from the couch where she knelt between his legs. With a quick move she opened his belt and reached for the zipper.

  Rafe grasped her hand. “Not so fast.”

  She forced herself to relax. She needed to divert him from the obsession with talk. Didn’t he understand she didn’t want to know what had happened? He was here. That was enough. She sighed. “I need you, now.”

  He grasped her arms and raised her to her feet. “I need you, too, but not in a rush.” He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples.

  Ripples of sensation nearly released the orgasm she wanted to share with him. An errant thought arose. She wanted to make love.

  Not love. Sex.

  She wanted nothing more than being physical together. She could handle sex.

  Rafe’s hands left her breasts. “What do you want?”

  “Sex with you. Fast and now.”

  He rose. “Not yet and not here.”

  “Why not?”

  He winked. “We might fall from the couch. I want a bed.” He pulled her into his arms.

  She laughed. “The bedroom, it is.”

  As they moved from the family room to the hall leading to the bedroom area, Rafe unzipped her skirt. The cloth slid over her hips and pooled on the floor. She stepped free and managed to unzip his jeans.

  Rafe released her and refastened them. “Want to trip me? The boots must come off first. Besides, I like you nearly naked when I’m still clothed.”

  His words and the rough tone of his voice brought a gush of fluid. “I see.”

  He ran his hand over the crotch of her panties and brought the hand to his nose. “You’re definitely ready.”

  “Have been since you arrived in my office.” The words were true but why had she said them aloud?

  “Sure didn’t seem that way to me. Why didn’t you let me know?”

  “What you wanted was more than I can give.” She looked away.

  “And now?”

  “Remains the same. I want sex. Just sex.”

  He pushed open the bedroom door. Manon walked to the king-sized bed. A thought made her smile. Behold the virgin bed. Since returning to Fern Lake, she hadn’t invited any man to her house. All her furniture had been purchased when she’d bought the house. Sex with the first man she’d enjoyed in her house and her bed seemed fitting.

  Rafe leaned against the wall to remove his boots and socks. Slowly he lowered his jeans.

  Manon’s eyes widened in appreciation. She licked her lips at the sight of his package. No underwear hid her view of his thick erection. She stepped toward him. A memory flashed into her thoughts and she giggled.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  “You’re absolutely perfect. Can I rub the genie?”

  A bark of laughter erupted. “Rub and he’ll grant your wish.”

  She stepped closer and rubbed the tip with her finger. “I’m making my wish.”

  He bent and pulled something from the pocket of his jeans. He held a foil packet. “Protection.”

  A slow smile formed. So he had come prepared for more than talk. “Good thinking.” She slid the bikini off, lay on the bed and gestured for him to come.

  Rafe stepped to the bed. He bent to kiss her and slid beside her. With long strokes he caressed her body. “I want you. Have since the first day at that school when you were asked to show me around. The clasp of your hand sent lightning through me. Still does but there are things I must tell you.”

  Manon turned on her side and pressed herself against him. Her lips touched his. Talk was out. She rubbed against him. One hand touched his chest and inched lower. His abs tightened. The sensations storming her body made her want to shove him to his back and straddle him. The desire to reach the place where she wanted to be and where he’d always taken her grew stronger. Pleasure was her wish rather than pain-raising talk. Talking meant delving into those days of anger and grief.

  Rafe’s lips touched hers. Tongues tasted and tangled. Manon moved against him in imitation of the thrusting movements of their mouths.

  Rafe pulled back and drew a breath. Manon watched
as he opened the foil and slowly slid the condom to sheath himself. The length and breadth of his erection raised anticipation of being filled and brought to completion brought on restless movements.

  He hovered over her and brought his lips to her ear. “Hard and fast?”

  “Yes.” She reached to bring his mouth to hers.

  He grasped her hips and in one smooth move he plunged into her channel.

  The fullness thrilled her. With his hands braced on either side of her head, his thrusts were powerful. Her legs circled his hips. She caught the rhythm and moved with him. Delicious fingers of fire invaded her body and spread spiraling patterns. Gasps, moans, cries and the liquid slap of flesh on flesh filled the air.

  Each thrust sent more sensations. She fought to ride the crest to the peak. Her inner muscles tightened. She grasped Rafe’s shoulders.

  “Harder. Faster,” she cried. Drops of perspiration landed on her chest. The aromas, his and hers, joined. Sweet and spice, soap and the aromas of sex blended.

  With a suddenness the peak arrived. As she flowed over, she cried his name.

  “Manon.” He collapsed on her. His body hot, his breathing came in shuddering gulps. He held her in a tight embrace.

  Twelve years had passed since she’d experienced perfection. Words of love bubbled in her thoughts. She pushed them back unspoken. There was no love, just sex.

  * * *

  The shuddering aftershocks rolled from Manon’s body to his. Rafe rolled to his side and drew her with him. A sense of completion filled him. The climax had been stronger than any of his experience.

  He stroked her back. Regret rose when his cock slid from her. The homecoming had been potent, had shown him the strong connection between them. But until their murky past was cleared he couldn’t speak of love or a future. How could he declare forever while those untidy knots tangled some of his memories?

  Manon stroked his face with a finger. “Was as great as the first time.” She slid from his embrace and reached for her robe.

  As the silk fabric covered her skin, he groaned. The physical encounter had diverted him from the reason he had come bearing dinner. He had hoped in the afterglow, she might listen.

  “Manon, come back.”

  “I’m hungry.” She turned and flashed a leg. “Burger Bounty’s waiting.”

  He rose and pulled on his jeans before following her from the room. He noticed two bedrooms and a bathroom along the side wall and one at the other end of the hall. Why such a big house? He would ask and perhaps that would lead to the topics he wanted to discuss.

  Lovemaking had told him several things. They fit together perfectly. He still loved her. Was there a chance to rekindle her love for him? He wouldn’t ask yet.

  Excising the past was essential. Those events festered beneath the surface of his life. Hers, too. The infection had to be drained and the scars freed so he could know what had happened and who had tried to kill him.

  His memories of the accident showed a dark car tailing him and his actions to evade. Of the crash, all he saw was headlights aimed at the bike, the hit and flying through the air to smash against the ground.

  A groan escaped. He needed the missing pieces. Manon needed to know about her father’s threats. Would she believe him? Had her father been behind the wheel of the car to insure his plans for Manon proceeded as he wished?

  A shake of Rafe’s head dismissed that idea. Mr. Lockley hadn’t been the type to risk an injury to himself.

  Manon paused at the refrigerator. Rafe leaned against the counter. “What now?”

  “You could go home.”

  “Without my supper.”

  She laughed. “Get the bag.”

  “They’re probably cold.” He returned to the foyer. When he returned he handed her the package.

  “I’ll zap them.” She opened the insulated container. “May not taste as good as when they’re fresh but I bet they’re still the best burgers around.” She made a face. “Probably loaded with cholesterol.”

  He choked back a laugh. “You become a health nut?”

  “I try to eat healthy, but I do indulge on occasion.” She bent and inhaled the aroma. “They smell wonderful. They’re warm. So are the fries. Won’t take more than seconds to heat.”

  She rounded the counter. Rafe sat on one of the stools on the far side of the bar separating the kitchen from the family room. He studied the open area and noticed the fireplace and the long sliding door leading into the backyard. “Why did you buy a house?”

  “I needed a place to live.”

  “What about the house where you grew up?”

  Manon slid the burgers and fries, minus the lettuce, tomatoes and pickles into the microwave. “Jay lives there. Who would want to live with a cranky composer when the music isn’t going well?” She reached for a plate.

  “Why not an apartment?”

  “I like my privacy. I like this house. I’m happy to be settled and not have to move again.”

  “That’s a change.” He recalled how they had talked about taking his bike and exploring the country.

  “Three years of galloping over Europe cured any bit of wanderlust.’

  He leaned his elbows on the counter. “Isn’t this house a bit big?”

  She shrugged. “The day I walked in, I knew this was right for me and I bought it. Maybe some day I’ll find a way to have a family.”

  The yearning in her eyes made him want to offer her those dreams for they walked hand and hand with his.

  A buzzer sounded. She turned to the microwave and removed their food. When the robe parted, Rafe caught a glimpse of her breast. In an instant his cock responded to the sighting.

  She passed the plates across the counter, providing another view. He wanted to pull her into his arms and satisfy this persistent hunger.

  Cool it.

  With a too eager reaction, they would never have the overdue conversation. What if he’d been able to find her when she’d returned from Europe? What if they had talked then? He groaned. What ifs never solved anything. He took a bite of the burger to contain the response to his thoughts.

  “You all right?”

  He swallowed. “Forgot how great these are.”

  She put the fries on a plate and added a large blob of catsup. “What would you like to drink?”


  “Afraid not. I’ve soda, juice, water, wine, tea and coffee.”

  “Soda, then. Will be just like old times. Remember when we wished we could drink beer?”

  She giggled. “And the one time we did.”

  “We were smashed.” His head had spun and what seemed like hours had passed before he could ride. She’d nearly missed her curfew.

  She ran one large fry through the catsup and sucked the potato into her mouth. Rafe’s body responded with a surge to attention.

  Manon rounded the counter and sat on the stool furthest from him. “I’d forgotten how great these were.” She took a bite of the burger and sighed. “Do you remember the time when you ate two of these?”

  “How could I forget? I fell asleep and you woke me with a kiss. We had fun back then.”

  “We did.” Sadness flashed in her eyes.

  Was this the opening he’d been seeking? The night of two burgers had been the night the six members of the study group had made plans for the prom. He looked into her eyes. “There was a time when I remembered nothing.”

  “I can’t imagine how you felt. Must have been frightening. You were lucky your memories returned.”

  “There are still a few blank spaces. Most of the accident and the first few months of surgery and rehab are blurred.” He waited for her to ask questions but she continued to eat.

  Rafe leaned toward her. “I believe if we talk about the events surrounding the accident I’ll remember. Maybe even learn who caused the crash.”

  She shook her head. “I’ve no desire to talk about those days.” She straightened and her robe parted.

  The view sent blood
rushing to Rafe’s groin. He set the burger on a plate. “Why not?”

  “Finish your burger before you say another word.”

  Did that mean she was willing to hear what he needed to say? Rafe took the last few bites at the same time as she finished her burger.

  Manon slid from the stool. She gathered the wrappers and tossed them in the trash. The plates went in the dishwasher. After washing her hands, she opened the freezer and removed a container.

  With a spoon and the tub in her hands, she walked toward him. “Dessert?”

  “New brand?”

  “There’s a shop in town where they sell more than ice cream, candy, gifts and decorations. Use a vanilla base. They’ll add your choice of flavors. Mine is swirls of raspberry and dark chocolate.” She dipped the spoon in the container and slid her tongue over the treat. She offered the spoon to him.

  Though he knew she hoped to divert him, he had to open a dialogue. “We need to talk.”

  She moved closer. “I need action. I need you. Once wasn’t enough.” She sucked in the ice cream from the spoon and pressed her lips to his.

  Rafe groaned. She was more tempting than the dessert.

  Chapter 6

  A burst of tart raspberry blended with the bitter dark chocolate and sweet vanilla cream brought Manon closer to Rafe. His arms circled her waist. Her body throbbed in anticipation of the pleasure to come. She would win this round and prevent him from raising topics laced with pain. One of her hands stroked his neck. His strong pulse beat in harmony with hers. He cupped her rear and pressed her against his erection. She smiled. He was ready and so was she.

  When the kiss ended, Manon drew a deep breath. She dipped her fingers in the ice cream and brought them to his lips. He drew them into his mouth, sucking and curling his tongue over their length. She pulled back, took more and painted his neck. With quick strokes of her tongue she lapped the melting confection.

  Rafe growled. He pressed her against his erection and released, then pressed again.

  Delight filled her thoughts. This round was hers.